Thursday, 28 December 2017

Top 8 Foreign Languages to Learn Before you Translate

A business that speaks the local language is the one that tastes success. For marketing point of view, every business needs to understand the importance of languages to market the service and product adopted by the customers. The world is increasingly getting connected as the globalisation taking place rapidly. Businesses are majorly affected by globalization and with the languages used for the marketing purpose, it becomes easier for the business to stay connected and grow. In fact, any business wanting to sell its product or service to the non-English speaking country, then it has to adopt the local language. 

This is when translation services come to the roll. There is list of translation companies in India that offers the complete solution to these businesses. From documents to the legal aspect of the products, companies offer complete translation solution to businesses. 

For a business, to successfully engage with audiences, it is preferred to use local language. Be it the website localization or product manuals, using local language is preferred. This certainly helps in customer support and localizing the website for better business. Presently, there are around 6,000 living languages, but businesses don’t have to promote the service in every language. 

Industries that can benefit from language translation Services:
  • Life Science and Medical Industry:
Life science and medicine is the industry where language translation service is very helpful. Accurate translation of medical documents, records, patient records, etc. is important that will keep the business running. Professional translation services in India do the translation of every language for medical and life science industry.
  • Finance and Banking:
Globally, finance and banking is an important sector that drives more and more business and employment. This sector widely connects to different countries and so the need of language translation becomes important.
  • Travel and Tourism:
Next is the travel & tourism which witnesses more and more requirement of translation service. This sector reaches various countries and so the requirement of language translation increases. Business running in this sector markets their services in languages for brochures, documents, leaflets, and other marketing requirements.
  • Legal Sector:
Legal industry also requires translation service to translate the legal documents for the companies doing business with other countries. The document languages should be accurate and through the points that connect with the local language. Top translation services in Mumbai do this job well.

Top 10 foreign languages to learn for translation:

Moving on to the next set, let us now check top 10 foreign languages to learn before you translate. These languages are important from a business perspective to the market and create the base.


Spoken in 94 countries by 339 million native speakers, for 20 countries English is the official language. For businesses worldwide, English is the foremost language of communication. Moreover, the language retains number one spot among internet users. In fact, more than 52% websites are in English.


There are around 900 million native Chinese speakers and 14.4% of the world population. China is considered as the good business making country and so many companies are joining hands with entrepreneurs in China for further progress. In fact, Bloomberg has also predicted that China will overtake the US in terms of the economy by 2026.
Along with Chinese, Mandarin is largely learned and languages by people. Translation services in Mumbai have witnessed a growth in aspirants taking up Mandarin language learning courses. 


Although businesses don't usually take up Spanish as the market for communication and marketing, the growing number of speakers has given business a reason to do business with Spanish speaking clients. With 405 million native speakers, Spanish is the second commonly spoken language. Countries like Mexico, Paraguay, Ecuador and Peru are becoming the centre of business.


Spoken by 295 million globally, and 28 countries officially speak, Arabic is the largely translated language. With the increase in economy of Arab countries, companies globally are looking forward to using translation service for the Arabic language. In fact, 6 Arabic speaking countries are under UKs top 50 export market. Moreover, Qatar will be hosting FIFA in 2022, so doing a business and marketing your product in Qatar is the best decision you can take. 


There are 95 million native German speakers and is the fourth largely used language online. Economically, Germany is too well advanced attracting business to invest. However, to understand the legal language and local people mindset, business needs to translate the document in Germany language and so the translation service is important. Germany is the 3rd largest country contributing to research and development. For IT and manufacturing companies have a great future in this land.


Spoken by 215 million people, Portuguese is spoken in countries like Brazil and other parts of Africa. In recent times, these countries are bringing business from other nations, and so Portuguese is becoming an important language to learn and translate. Brazil is considered as the science base country outside G8 and offers great opportunities for business.


With more than 155 million native speakers, Russia is an important language to learn and speak. Russia is among the BRIC nations that identify as the fastest growing nation. It is also one of the official languages of the UN. The country is known for having some great engineering minds and so IT community is growing. So learning the language and using translation service is the best thing you can do.


There are 75 million speakers in 39 countries and French is the most famous language used in business communities. Post-Brexit, European Union has started using French more often. Under French language, Africa does fall and is also rapidly growing with its natural resources. Many companies are now doing business with French companies, and so the need of French language translation service has increased.


To learn and get these languages translated, there is a need for professional language translation services. Shakti Enterprises is one of the leading translation services in India and offers complete translation solution for companies. Being the top 10 translation companies in India, Shakti Enterprises ensures quality translation work for it clients. If you are looking forward to learning and get complete translation assistance, then Shakti Enterprises is at your service.

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