Tuesday, 13 May 2014

How to market your company for European Market?

One of the biggest obstacles for doing business in Europe is a plethora of language spoken and communication in a different language with the same consistency and impact as in the original source language.European Union is a multilingual and multicultural nation having 24 official languages. They are: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish and Swedish. An important aspect of marketing in Europe requires observing legal requirement. While legal documents require translation in official language, marketing translation is driven by the customer need for product and service information in their mother tongue. Speaking in customers’ language and culturally connecting with target audience requires engaging with translation services agencies.
  Language translation services

They Understand English and so I don’t have to translate for them
To avoid translation pitfalls, many companies do not venture into translation that may weaken the impact of the original version. The common argument against translation for specific market is ‘They understand English and so there is no need to translate marketing communication for them’. Keep the translation cost to the minimum and translate only where it is an absolute must. They are German and French and in some cases Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese if the market demands. This is a limited strategy in today’s competitive world.While this may be true since English is easily understood, it reduces the power of communication to mere formality.  Willy Brant, a former German Chancellor once said “If I’m selling to you, I speak your language. If Im buying, ‘dann müssen Sie Deutsch sprechen’ (then you need to speak German)”. Marketing is all about communication that is not only understood but connects properly to create positive attitude in consumers’ mind.


Professional translation service agencies fully understand your marketing requirement and will suggest a translation and localization solution to market your company in Europe. The beginning can be done with Website Localization. According to the Survey conducted by Euro-barometer, 90% of the respondents said that they prefer to browse their local website and 53% said they would visit English Website if there is no alternative in their native language. By turning your website to a multilingual website to suit your market requirement, you are at an advantage to reach the larger target group effectively.
Website Localization with linguistic SEO helps in attracting traffic to your website. This coupled with a translation of marketing communication using native professional translators with domain expertize, goes a long way to localize your product for the European market.
Shakti Enterprises is a dedicated, full-fledged, qualified, multilingual language solution company, equipped to provide you with translation, typesetting, website, and software localization services apart from other specialized services such as proofreading, transcription and interpretation service in most Indian and Foreign languages.
Delivering quality and timely service is the core expertise of Shakti Enterprise

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